Data analytics

How we help

Big picture

We help you assess overall company performance and suggest focus areas


We help analyze your leads quality and channel effectiveness

Conversion rate

We help analyze your client conversion per persona and intent


We help analyze your operational data and identify bottlenecks

Retention rate

We help analyze your customer retention rate and identify pain points


We help identify your OKRs, employee skill gaps, retention, and goal alignments

Our partner

Lenny Sutandar, CPA

Consulting Director

Contact on Linkedin

Lenny Sutandar was a Director in PricewaterhouseCoopers Indonesia

with experience of more than 18 years, before joining Impact. Her experience includes financial due diligence, carve out, restructuring, financial audit and business consulting. Lenny handled various industries in the past, including wholesale distribution, retail, manufacturing, e-commerce, F&B, healthcare, logistics, plantation, mining, oil and gas, and telecommunication (satellite and in-building solutions). Some of her clients include:

Indosat, Triputra Group, Mitsubishi Corporation, Itochu Corporation, Garudafood, Sriboga Group, Northdtar Pacific, General Atlantic, Rajawali Group, Nippon Indosari, GIC Special Investments, LG International Corp.

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