Expand your market and sell more online
Create your professional online store and manage all in one place.
Great companies we've helped
Benefits of Impact eCommerce module
User friendly view
Create effortless customization designs
Inventory management
Optimize cash flows, eliminate unnecessary purchases, and make accurate budgets
Centralize order management
Manage multiple orders from multi channels in one dashboard
Manage multiple orders automatically
Set up your website without hassle
- Simple drag-and-drop
- Create your own custom theme or use one from our collection
- Easy bank statement reconciliation
Maximize your revenue
- Create products variants and set a different prices
- Sell your products based on your stock levels
- Set promotions and loyalty program
Get real-time actionable insights
- Know your best sellers products and page conversion
- Analyze your sales based on sold quantities and revenues
- Integrated with google analytics to gain customer knowledge
Manage your growing business
Get a demoWhat our clients say
One of the largest textile companies in Indonesia
Impact has had a very positive impact on our company. Impact helps automate the sales and inventory process. In the past, this process took days or even weeks, but now it is more accurate, efficient, effective, integrated and real-time.
After using the software, we have better data. We can analyze product needs, cycles, and profits better through inventory forecasting. With cost savings, we can promote employees and recruit more sales.
We appreciate the Impact team for being very responsive and always providing assistance when we have problems during implementation.
Integrated with other ERP modules
Choose the right partner
75% of digital transformation projects fail. Take the right first step by choosing a reliable long-term partner.