
In our earlier guide, we compared social media marketing to throwing a party:

  • Promotion is like sending out invites.
  • Content is the food and fun.
  • Ongoing management is like being the host.

Let’s now focus on Facebook’s role in social media marketing strategies, emphasizing how it helps you reach your audience better. We aim to provide valuable tips and tactics for making the most out of Facebook in your marketing efforts. 

Understanding Facebook’s algorithm

To succeed in Facebook marketing, grasp its structure and operations. Facebook’s algorithm rates content, including Feed posts and Reels, to deliver the most fitting content to users, factoring in demographics, interests, and viewing history.

Facebook engineers aim for user engagement, reflected in the algorithm’s profiles, pages, and content scoring. Higher engagement boosts a piece’s Facebook algorithm score, leading to more visibility, while lower engagement reduces its exposure.

Facebook ranks content in a four-step process:

How Facebook ranks content.
  1. Inventory: It checks out everything that could appear on a user’s feed — like posts from friends, pages they follow, and groups they’re in.
  1. Signals: After collecting all this content, the algorithm looks at thousands of clues to decide how relevant each piece is. These clues include who posted it, when they interacted with it, and how often they like similar items.
  1. Predictions: The algorithm guesses what content you’ll like best based on your past behavior. It tries to predict what actions you might take on new content.
  1. Scoring: Each piece of content gets a score based on how relevant it is to you. The higher the score, the more likely it is to show up first on your feed. So, the first thing you see is what Facebook thinks you’ll find most interesting.

Why market on Facebook?

Access to a large audience

Facebook remains a major force in social media marketing, boasting three billion monthly active users as of mid-2023, making it the most significant platform worldwide. With such a vast audience, reaching new prospects, converting them into customers, and repeating the cycle becomes more straightforward.

The expansive reach of Facebook enables you to scale up campaign expenditure without concerns about reaching a limit. Implementing a well-planned strategy allows for a gradual increase in spending while maintaining cost efficiency and consistently generating leads.

Targets specific audiences

Facebook advertising offers a decisive advantage: pinpoint targeting of your desired audience. With Facebook’s tools, you can zero in on specific demographics and interests, ensuring your message reaches those who matter most to your business.

Entrepreneurs can finely tune their advertising campaigns by segmenting their audience based on demographics. Facebook’s “Audience Insights” tool provides valuable data on your page visitors and followers, aiding in effective targeting.

Diverse ad formats

Facebook advertising is great because it activates a brand across the entire sales funnel. Whether you want more people to know your brand, think about buying it, or buy it, Facebook ads can help.

You get different types of ads on Facebook for different marketing goals. You can use images, videos, carousels, slideshows, or dynamic ads, depending on what best shows off your product/services.

Relatively cost-effective

Advertising on Facebook is cheaper than TV or print ads, making it great for small and medium-sized businesses with tight budgets. With Facebook, you can reach a broader audience for almost half the price of traditional ads.

Facebook’s ad platform lets businesses control their budgets and bidding tactics, maximizing their ad spend. When done right, Facebook ads can bring in better returns and conversions than traditional advertising.

Maintains engagement and interactions

Businesses can connect directly with their audience on Facebook by sharing posts, responding to comments, and engaging in messages. This interaction builds trust and community, strengthening customer relationships.

Instead of solely relying on ad campaigns for new customers, organic marketing on Facebook ensures long-term revenue and fosters an engaged follower base. Consistency is vital — maintaining an active brand presence sets you apart from brands that neglect their Facebook pages.

Setting up a Facebook page for your business

Flowchart showing the 3 steps in creating a Facebook page for Facebook marketing.

1. Create a Facebook page

  1. Log in or Sign Up: If you don’t already have a personal Facebook account, you’ll need to create one. Once logged in, go to the Facebook homepage.
  1. Create a Page: At the bottom of the login page or in the top right corner, you’ll see an option to “Create.” Click on it and select “Page”. Alternatively, you can go directly to https://www.facebook.com/pages/create/.
  1. Choose Page Type: Facebook will ask you to choose a page type. Select “Business or Brand” for a business page.
  1. Enter Page Details: Fill in your page name, category, address, and phone number. Make sure all information is accurate and reflects your business correctly.
  1. Add Profile Picture and Cover Photo: Upload a profile picture (usually your company logo) and a cover photo that represents your business visually.
  1. Complete About Section: Write a concise and informative description of your business. Include relevant keywords for search optimization.
  1. Customize Page Tabs: You can customize the tabs on your page to highlight specific features or sections. You can do this by clicking the “Settings” tab and then “Templates and Tabs.”
  1. Invite Followers: Start inviting people to like your page. You can import contacts or manually invite friends, family, and customers.

2. Verify page for business

Verifying your page isn’t necessary, but it boosts your business’s credibility. To get verified:

  1. Go to Page Settings: Click on “Settings” at the top right corner of your page.
  1. Page Verification: In the General tab, find the “Page Verification” option and click “Edit”. Then select “Verify this Page”.
  1. Choose Verification Method: You can verify your page with a phone number or business documents. Follow the prompts based on your chosen method.

3. Start an ad account

If you want to make the most of Facebook for your business, having an ad account is essential, especially if you’re considering spending money on boosting posts or running campaigns. Here’s a simple guide to setting up your ad account for your Facebook Page:

  1. Go to Ads Manager: Click on this link to start setting up your ad account: https://www.facebook.com/adsmanager/creation/creation/
  1. Choose Ad Account Type: When prompted, select “Business” since you’re making a Facebook page for your business.
  1. Enter Business Details: Fill in accurate information about your business.
  1. Set Up Payment Method: Add a payment method for your ads, like a credit card, PayPal, or other options.
  1. Confirm Email: Facebook may send a confirmation email to your account’s email address. Follow the instructions in the email to verify your account.
  1. Create Your First Ad: Once your ad account is ready, click the “Create” button in Ads Manager to start making ads.

Creating a successful marketing campaign on Facebook

Flowchart showcasing the steps on how to create a successful Facebook marketing campaign.

1. Set goals for your campaign

Establish clear and measurable goals before starting any marketing campaign. Ensure your goals are specific, achievable, relevant, and have a deadline (SMART). 

Here are some typical Facebook campaign goals:

  • Boost brand awareness.
  • Increase website traffic.
  • Generate leads or sales.
  • Enhance engagement (likes, comments, shares).
  • Expand your Facebook page followers.

2. Identify your target audience

To find out who’s interested in your Facebook content, look at the buyer personas you’ve created for your overall marketing plan. These personas depict your ideal customers and aid in comprehending your target audience.

Facebook offers tools like Audience Insights to help you understand your audience and competitors. It gives you information on demographics and behaviors, effectively helping you tailor your content and ads.

3. Plan your content strategy

Create a content plan that aligns with your objectives and resonates with your audience. Here’s what you should prioritize:

  • Content Type: Pick suitable content formats like images, videos, or polls that connect with your audience and match your campaign goals.
  • Content Schedule: Plan and organize your posts with a content calendar. Sticking to a schedule helps keep your audience engaged consistently.
  • Messaging: Write compelling messages that address your audience’s needs and feelings. Keep your brand voice consistent across all your communications.
  • Visuals: Use eye-catching visuals that convey your brand message clearly and effectively.
  • Call-to-Action: Prompt your audience to take action with clear and convincing CTAs in your content.
  • Ad Strategy: Target your ads effectively on platforms like Facebook to reach the right people. Spend your budget wisely to get the most out of your advertising efforts.

4. Monitor your performance

Monitor your campaign to ensure your Facebook ads work well and bring the most value. Utilize Facebook Ads Manager and Insights to monitor essential measures like the number of people reached, engagement levels, click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on investment from your ads.

Regularly review your campaign data to identify trends, successes, and areas for improvement. Utilize this information to adjust your target audience, messaging, visuals, and budget allocation, ensuring improved ad performance.

Facebook marketing best practices

Use high-quality visuals

91% of consumers like interactive and visual content more than just reading or seeing still images. Attention-grabbing visuals are crucial to stand out, especially on social media platforms like Facebook.

Boost your posts by investing in professional photography or crafting visually engaging graphics. Clear, sharp images and videos are crucial to captivating your audience and sparking interaction.

Use a content calendar

A solid Facebook content plan is crucial to succeed online and with social media ads. Consistency is vital for reaching more people and boosting your online presence through Facebook.

Make a content calendar to organize your Facebook updates, planned content, and contests or giveaways you want to run. Posting on Facebook isn’t just about hitting “Post” — timing matters too, so think about when your audience is most active.

Engage frequently with customers

Facebook favors active users, so if you engage regularly with your personal and business pages, your posts are more likely to appear in your followers’ news feeds. Interacting with your audience boosts your visibility on Facebook and strengthens your relationship with your followers and customers.

Avoid using tactics solely to garner comments, tags, and likes, as Facebook now penalizes such behavior. Instead, spark discussions by asking questions and initiating debates relevant to your brand, but avoid being overly controversial.

Encourage user-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) makes your marketing more genuine and trustworthy. Ask your audience to share their thoughts, reviews, and pictures about your products or services.

Feature UGC on your page and organize contests to motivate your audience to create and share content about what you offer. This showcases happy customers and encourages others to connect with your brand.

Boost a post

Boosting your posts on Facebook can expand their reach to more people, extending beyond your current followers. Facebook ads, including boosted posts, reach over 72% of monthly active users, nearly 40% of the world’s population, considering Facebook’s 3 billion users.

The reach of your boosted post is determined by how you target and how much you spend. To maximize your reach, pinpoint which content performs well and set aside a budget to promote it to a specific audience based on age, interests, and behaviors.

Stay updated on changes

Keep up with Facebook’s algorithm, features, and rules to adjust your marketing plans. Check official announcements and trustworthy sources to stay on top of updates.

Constantly adapt your strategies to make the most of new opportunities and deal with any challenges from platform changes. Keep an eye on analytics to improve your approach and stay competitive.


Excelling in Facebook marketing means you must grasp its complex algorithms and focus on creating captivating, top-notch content. Consistent effort in sharing valuable content that resonates with users is critical for boosting your presence and expanding your reach on the platform.

Moreover, integrating a solid Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can be immensely helpful in handling customer interactions and enhancing loyalty. With CRM tools, you can monitor customer actions, tailor interactions, and foster lasting connections, which all contribute to refining your social marketing approach.


McDonald, J. (2022, July 4). Social Media Marketing Workbook: How to Use Social Media for Business.

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